Wochen zur Demokratie

For Democracy!

The Weeks for Democracy are entering their fifth year this year. After four successful democracy festivals that have received national recognition and awards, this year we are taking on the challenge of generating new sources of funding for the event series. We are doing this with optimism, verve and fresh ideas.

This year, we are compressing the Weeks for Democracy into one long weekend. From November 9 to 12, there will be a compact program that includes a concert, panel discussion, workshop, film with film discussion, exhibition, repair and participatory café, and even a philosophical walk to provide interesting approaches to our central question: How do we want to live together in the future?

The kick-off on November 9 has been chosen with care. There is hardly a more symbolic day* that would be better suited to celebrate our democracy. Some of our events will have an appropriate commemorative cultural background, but will always keep our democratic present and future in mind.

Our democracy weeks are open to all who want to actively shape our coexistence and feel a desire for civic engagement. We are grateful for any kind of support.

Look forward with us to an inspiring democracy festival in 2023.

Your Weeks for Democracy initiative



Book publication

In June of this year, the anthology “Verdrängt” was published, which deals with the memory of Nazi “euthanasia” in a variety of ways. Co-editor and editor in charge is WzD board member Dr. Winfried Helm. The theme of remembrance culture will be reflected in this year’s program by a book presentation followed by a roundtable discussion devoted to the topic of “participation.” The co-organizer is the Center for Remembrance Culture at the University of Regensburg, where the book project was conducted.
The event – which will be a Sunday matinee on November 12 – is intended to make visible regional initiatives that are striving for inclusion in the cultural field (theater, music, visual arts, literature). For this is what a preoccupation with the thematic complex of eugenics and “euthanasia” makes clear: there are continuities of exclusion that are effective up to the present.

07Nov.10:0013:00Creating the goodPulpit speech with Green politician Katharina Schulze10:00 - 13:00 ev. Stadtpfarrkirche St. Matthäus

09Nov.ganztägig10Changemaker AcademyWorkshops by Zukunftswerft to find the right commitment(ganztägig)

11Nov.18:0020:00Against regulars' table slogansArgumentation training and workshop18:00 - 20:00 Gemeinschaftsraum Lederergasse 1, 94032 Passau

12Nov.18:0020:00"Hedonistic asceticism"?Book presentation and discussion on ecological counter-practices in the present day18:00 - 20:00 voraussichtlich "Unilive"-Raum/Ludwigstraße

13Nov.14:0018:00Philipp Heidepeter aka Emil BachSongwriting workshop with concert14:00 - 18:00 Café Museum, Passau, Bräugasse

14Nov.ganztägig„Irmina“Barbara Yelin's gripping graphic novel about complicity by looking the other way during National Socialism - reading followed by a discussion(ganztägig: Donnerstag) Ev. Zentrum St. Matthäus, Passau, Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Platz 1

16Nov.16:0018:00Alliance of mistrustRight-wing esotericism and conspiracy beliefs on the rise16:00 - 18:00 Haus der Generationen, Passau Heiliggeistgasse 3

The members, from left to right: Thomas Metten, Ruth Geiger, Maria Wilhelm, Sousar Tahqakha, Franziska Neukirchinger, Markus Muckenschnabl, Bernhard Rottenaicher, Winfried Helm;
not in the picture: Eva Geißler, Matthias Hofer, Melanie Hackenfort, Gertraude Reitberger, Florian Wobser
[Photo: Sieglinde Weindl]

The Weeks to Democracy initiative is a non-profit association in which the following citizens volunteer:

Ruth Geiger, teacher at the Montessori School in Passau; founding member of the Energy Network Passau
MMag. Eva Geißler, cultural and social anthropologist and theater scholar; active in the field of art and theater
Dr. Melanie Hackenfort, ethnologist; research associate at the Institute for Cultural Studies at the University of Koblenz-Landau
Dr. Winfried Helm, freelance cultural scientist and exhibition organizer with Büro Theorie & Praxis in Passau
Matthias Hofer, Dipl.Ing. (FH), freelance speaker, journalist and media worker in Vienna and Passau
Dr. Thomas Metten, linguist and cultural scientist; project collaborator Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Markus Muckenschnabl, designer (FH), freelance scenographer; board member of Solidarity Farming Passau
Franziska Neukirchinger, Bachelor in Political Science; Master student in Governance and Public Policy – Political Science
Gertraude Reitberger, teacher at the Montessori School in Passau, reform pedagogue
Bernhard Rottenaicher, special education teacher; deputy principal at a support center for people with mental disabilities
Sousar Tahqakha, student of cultural studies; freelance editor and translator from English into Arabic
Maria Wilhelm, M.A. cultural economist; project collaborator in the field of innovation, knowledge transfer and start-up at the University of Passau
Dr. Florian Wobser, Akadem. Rat an der Lehrprofessur Philosophie (Universität Passau), focus: Media, ecology, education/didactics

PNP 01.06.2023

Climate competence
With few exceptions, the Weeks for Democracy promotional material was printed on 100% recycled paper.